Inspirational Frank Caprio Quotes

Inspirational Frank Caprio Quotes. “Sometimes the best advice is when you put a hand on someone’s shoulder and tell them that everything will be OK!.”

Inspirational Frank Caprio Quotes

“I’m only doing what my father taught me, balance the equities and treat people with decency and respect.” Judge Caprio

“Sometimes the circumstances of a case are so heartbreaking that the only thing my conscience will allow me to do is use my position as a Judge to ease their burden.” Judge Caprio

“I never felt I had to be stern and strict. I always felt I had to be myself. CAUGHT PROVIDENCE Judge Caprio

“I believe everyone has to be judged with kindness, consideration and common sense.” ~Judge Frank Caprio

“My judicial philosophy is the same now as it was on my first day on the bench.” ~Judge Frank Caprio

“The harder you work for something, the greater you feel when you achieve it.” ~Judge Frank Caprio

“To be the best, you must be able to handle the worst.” ~Judge Frank Caprio

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